Energy Medicine Education 2024-2025

  • 1-year training to become a certified energy medicine therapist with the possibility of supplementary modules.
  • Start 26 September 2024.
    4 long weekends Thursday – Sunday
    5 online days.

A key to life itself

Release blockages that prevent you and others from living life alive

Most people agree that everything is energy. If we can discern and transform energies, we can also change our life, our relationships and our health and also support others on their journey home to their source and essence.

In this training, you will learn to find blockages that prevent natural flows in your and others’ multidimensional systems.

By uncovering the source, the natural being of divinity arises and in it deep encounters can take place and peace, love and flow expand.

When we are freed from trauma, unprocessed emotions, negative loops and blockages, we gain access to life force and land in being and calm.

There we get space to be who we are. There is more life, vitality, sensuality, power, joy and play. In that, life becomes a joint project and we let go of the lonely path.

I see that as the meaning of this time. That we should all come home to ourselves with all the qualities that are true for each of us and in that co-create a beautiful world we can all live in. In health and harmony with life itself and the paradise we live in.

See documentary

Live Life Alive – Energy medicine education

Become a leader in your own life


An education where your intuitive leadership is strengthened and you inspire others to embrace self-leadership.

On this journey you get to release and heal family ties, agreements and programming that hold you back and down. It can be energies from childhood, past lives, imprints from other people, situations and other things that inhibited and shaped you to adapt. You get to train in holistic ways of relating to life, doing, relating and being.

We uncover the matrix, you see your essence, collect all your bodies and are activated to your path. Along the way, the problems and behaviors that were previously in your system are transformed/disappeared, your inner male and female are balanced into unity and you move more and more into the flow of the fifth dimension. You may go from one why to another. From logic and old structure to flow and self-leadership.

To live life alive


The more we uncover, the healthier we become

Here we erase old norms and divisions and you get to be both creator, teacher and student in a community. You are trained to listen inwardly, meet and stand in your truth, while expanding and standing in all-encompassing love and shining in others. A balance between integrity and expansion as a whole.

This is how we create a new paradigm of leadership, peace, inclusion and community.

The journey is poetic, aesthetic, practical, physical, intellectual, heartfelt, grounded and cosmic in all its brilliance and emphasizes that all so-called spiritual development is also simultaneously integrated into the physical. Here we do not separate the degrees of maturity in the different worlds but purify, unite and unify.

Energy medicine, for your and others’ healing

I believe we can heal our DNA with energy medicine

In your origin and essence are being and movement. It is a law of nature and the basis of all life.

Each contracted energy/blockage has its own vibrations that create behaviors, projections, magnetism, etc. that set it up for us. The more we uncover, the healthier we become

Do you yearn to travel with like-minded people where the multidimensional is everyday and where nothing is excluded from life, where everyday life is about community, support, joy and holistic healing?

Do you yearn to be able to work with and live energy medicine, regardless of whether you bring it into your current workplace, or want to change completely, or do it entirely for your own sake?

Then this training may be for you. Here you get the key to living life alive and learn to face and transform different types of challenges as you learn to find the causes of problems and see what they need to harmonize with the essence.

What previous participants say

”I have been given the gift of receiving energy medicine on two occasions with the fantastic Malin Rydesjö 💜”

The first time was in a group of around 25 people. It felt like experiencing a miracle. At the time, she was working with a male volunteer in the group. The rest of us could witness the man’s back physically changing before our eyes.
I myself felt reborn 💞
The body moved freely and all kinds of sounds came out of the mouth. All thoughts were blown away and everything happened freely, out of something genuine.

The second occasion was a telephone session in which only I participated.

Malin easily succeeds in bringing out what needs to be healed. I feel the wonder of her guidance and during the process a lot happened on several levels for me. Afterwards, I experienced a powerful energy field around me. Now I feel ”clean” inside.

Can wholeheartedly recommend your sessions with Malin 💜
Energy medicine works wonders in a short time, something that healthcare does not come close to.

🌺 Johanna Nyström

"Looking in a way I never did before"

Energy medicine (EM) can help you release fatigue, stress, anxiety, pain and other symptoms of imbalances in body, bud and soul.
That’s because EM goes to the causes and solves them. The causes of our problems in life can be anything from trauma in this or previous lives to amounts of energy that have ended up on the back burner.

”Energy medicine helps me gain a completely new perspective on my life, on my reality. I see things in a way I never did before.

Energy medicine gives me more understanding, security, clarity and stability in my life. Before, I felt confused/lost and I didn’t understand where my thoughts and feelings came from. I reacted with stress responses to my triggers.
Energy medicine gives me a language and makes it easier to be me in my being, mother, partner and colleague.

Energy medicine is like psychotherapy and everything else on speed.
Still, it’s not about working and forcing, but about letting go.
To rest and to listen.

Just on the first weekend at the Energy Medicine therapist training, I unknowingly received a lot of keys that I have previously tried to work on and force myself to. Now they have just been integrated into the body and I can instead, after just a few seconds after a trigger, put a different light on the situation and how I can handle and transform what is happening.
You need to understand that these things with energy medicine are real tools that you can use and that will be in you, in your meetings, with the children, in yourself.
Since I started the training two months ago, I have never given myself so much time for meditation and breathwork – just because I want to – even though I have been trying for 20 years.
Now I just sit or lie down as soon as something comes up and I take care of it. Or dancing 

There are so many things that just fall into place.
There are so many applicants who have attended so many workshops and courses and have their diplomas on paper, but are still in the hood and never integrate.

The energy medicine integrates!
/Anna, participant in this year’s energy medicine training

"A big warm thank you for this year, Malin!"

”A big warm thank you for this year, Malin!

A year of challenges, learning, living, healing, healing and a whole lot of warm community and friendship.”

With warmth and love! Jennifer

"I am so grateful that I got to do this journey"

”Thank you beautiful Malin for a fantastic year of development, transformation, sisterhood and love. I am so grateful that I got to make this journey and get to walk with you. Now it really begins.”

Love and light, Camilla

"A year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge"

”Thank you Malin!

For a year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge and your support in my transformation. All amazing treatments, they have been really important to me in my healing. With your support, I have retrieved my inner strength, knowledge and love for myself. Thanks for you! Hugs Rosa

To Malin! Saying ”thank you for everything” feels a bit silly in this context. It is difficult to find words to find the expression. There is often great power in words, but sometimes they are not enough. I want to add my sentiment here… and send it to you. I’m doing it now! Three enormous sunflowers grow with great vigor out of a lush and teeming soil. They are for you! Thanks! My captain, my captain.”


We are already whole, we just have to uncover the whole, listen inside, face and stand in our truth

Educate as an energy medicine therapist 1 year

Energy medicine is a collective term for how to heal multidimensionally.
Actually, we are already whole, we just have to uncover the whole.

In the training you are guided from control, fear and limiting normative structures and attitudes to expand into who you truly are and help others to do the same physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. By getting in touch with the truth within you and exploring life from that starting point in combination with exploring discernment, intuition and abilities to live a conscious energetic life with all that it entails, you are simultaneously teacher and student throughout the entire educational year. The meaning is that you will not teach others, but help others direct their attention to where life is and what blocks life. We go from doing to being. From results-oriented to flow-following. We are organic beings and by understanding how we function we can support ourselves and each other to lead a living life in joy and harmony.

In the education

  • Identify different types of energies and blockages on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level.
  • Identify how and where energies sit and how to release them.
  • Train yourself to see/experience fields and different dimensions.
  • Learn techniques to heal in different dimensions, including physically.
  • Bring forth and activate your vision, abilities, gifts and life path
  • Discern your and others’ energy, boundary setting, integrity, ethics, morals, approach.
  • To support clients as efficiently and concretely as possible in their transformative work to find their truth, full potential and well-being.
  • The training is experience-based during the 4 weekends we meet in Lindesberg and theoretical, structural and putting all the pieces of the puzzle in place and also practical during the online days between the weekends.

More from the education content

  • How to sense energies.
  • How to distinguish energies.
  • How to understand different ways of seeing energy systems.
  • How to see causes behind symptoms.
  • How to work with the causes, specific techniques such as shamanistic healing and others.
  • How to create space, presence. Collect, transform, secure, build energy in a group.
  • How to become as confident as possible in walking your path and building and trusting and living according to your intuition in contact with the universe and mother earth.
  • Your specific wishes for your particular path are met and trained.
  • Try different techniques in coaching, craniosacral therapy, tantra, embryology, yoga, meditation, dance, shamanism, movement therapy, tibetan healing, mindfulness, TRE, sat nam rasayan, ayurveda, taoism, tapping, nlp, osteopathy, chiropractic, circling, sound healing, ceremony etc.
  • Leadership training.
  • You get a physical treatment with holistic massage and healing and a distance session with coaching and healing both to transform yourself, but also to see how physical and distance treatment works and how you can come to work yourself. You will be able to work remotely when the year is over.

Read more about

Energy medicine education - The new leadership

An education where you become a leader in your own life and inspire others to take self-leadership in theirs.

Every aspect of this training breathes wholeness, intuition and being carried. To gather and balance you and all your bodies and come home. To create balance in your inner man and woman and create unity. To activate you and get you on your way. To upgrade your system so that you increasingly reason in 5D and above. You therefore get to heal family ties, karma, agreements and programming that hold you back and down. You get to practice holistic ways of relating to life, doing, you, others and healing.

There is no division between learning and co-creation and teaching. Everything is here at the same time and you get the feeling of being a creator, teacher and student in a community. To listen within and meet and stand in your truth, while expanding and standing in all-encompassing love. With integrity and expansion. Micro and macro.

To live life alive. This is how we create a new paradigm of peace, inclusion and community.

Here miracles happen in combination with the ability to face shadow sides and stand still, expand in love, reconcile and let go.

We awaken your intuition, your clear source, your creative power and clear you of past ties and karma that keep you from yourself and your home.

The dynamics of all this multidimensional moving deep down in the modern and high up in the cosmos and in many galaxies is owned by you and the group. No one is left out.

The physical houses memories and energies, which is why we learn to communicate and listen to our physical dimensions. Our different minds, different ways the body communicates to us, different ways our ancestors, entities, spirits and angels, our inner voice and soul, mother and nature communicate. Opening your listening to the world, animals, nature and people is a magical journey in itself. Because when we listen to the real yes, then the keys reach the depths of us.

The truth speaks a clear language that we can then decipher without making any rewrites, without the truth getting stuck in the veils in front of our consciousness.

Instead, life itself moves into your clear sight and hearing. In the being.

This is an education that does not divide everything into themes, but everything is present at the same time in a well-sorted, comprehensible, communicative and educational way.

This means that your being will be creative and in truth and you will naturally adjust and live more and more as you (l)are.

So when you’re helping others, you’ll be in the flow more than having to use tools, even though that’s what you’re doing.

No separation. All methods are available in the field in which you live.

This training is born now when so many are ready to take the next step into living fully and dancing the dance of life.

Expect to face life from a new place.

I welcome you who feel this is right. That this is an opportunity for growing for you. That this resonates, vibrates, is felt somewhere in you. Listen to it and get in touch.

There are other courses for those who want structure, bullet points and results. You come to me if you want to develop your intuition for real. We make it all in!

Leadership training

  • The year is structured with 4 long weekends on site and 5 days online. In between, you practice different exercises and treat each other.
  • You always have a buddy that is changed every month that you both share with and treat with. So you get to know everyone.
  • You are guided through this year via a co-creative, intuitive, encouraging and transforming leadership.
  • The old way of entering and understanding from the head is instead replaced with acceptance, trust, community, inclusion and holding. This way we reach mental programming and settings for yourself, others and life and your approach will be transformed from within you where self-love, self-acceptance, compassion and empathy are in your field. Where the gap between you and the world narrows. Where the attempts to live a good life are replaced by falling into life itself. Which IS.
  • You will probably feel both euphoric and free and empty and angry. It is included. We face what is to get through!
  • You will get to practice several different energy healing techniques where you meet your own energies on different levels.
  • You get to face your own foundation years and you will help your fellow students to face theirs.
  • This will be training in being an energy medicine therapist while you heal yourself. Teacher and student at the same time because we all always are. No one is an expert, but we are learning teachers. This is the new leadership.
  • You will therefore dive deep into the energies that control you, meet them, work with them, heal them, understand the system based on what you meet, transform and heal in yourself and then help others during the course with the same.

Energy medicine runs like a common thread through all techniques. The approach to everything we do. So that we go from doing to being. The techniques are all just keyed in. Opening, transforming directions to release, raise, remove, release, land, bring home, cut, clog, fine-tune, etc. everything that is you. And thus understand how you can help others on the path to wholeness and liberation.

So welcome you leader! Welcome to free who you truly are! Your way! On this common journey! Feel free to use your results to lead others to lead themselves. In your existing job or in the new one you create or in your own life. We are simply learning what it is like to be spirit in a physical body here on earth and to live fully. On the way we are assisted and cheered on by multitudes of beings who follow me on my way, but also you and us here on earth. This education is so supported because it is an education in living life. Finding the truth about life. We don’t know in advance how far you will go in your truth-finding, but prepare for friends you can talk about everything with, comfort zones that just blur, love and touch, closeness and friendship in 180, humor, joy, lightness and simplicity, depth , seriousness and weight, breakthrough, openness, contact and experiences beyond understanding. The multidimensional life simply.

Welcome to become more of YOU!

After this year you will be able to guide others

Diploma after completing the year

I will be with you throughout the year as support in the training itself, and if you want extra support and maybe support in your relationships along the way, you can supplement with extra sessions in addition to the 2 treatments (excluding all student treatments and treatments I give you in groups during the whole year) which is included. The extra treatments can be tantra massage, deararmoring, extra coaching or if you need an extra boost (not reached in the other ways) in deepening the release of energy blockages and negative patterns that have given you emotional, mental and physical symptoms.

Communication about your needs is important so that I can support you as much as possible on the journey. Your input is reflected in what you get back.

You get a discount on the mentoring programs or the stress coach training if you wish to attend one of them in parallel.

Energy medicine education 2024-2025




Education start 26 September 2024

Weekends Thursday-Sunday.

Weekend 1: 26-29 September
Weekend 2: 21-24 November
Weekend 3: 20-23 February 2025
Weekend 4: 15-18 May 2025


27 October
14 December
19 January 2025
22 March 2025
13 April 2025

Welcome to AYSE in Sollentuna

The education takes place physically in AYSE, the Holistic Health Center in Sollentuna STHLM, a place where your presence is noticed.

Price 42.000 SEK

Lunch and fika are included, as well as many external lecturers, two treatments in addition to all group treatments and all support throughout the year.

The investment can be divided into several installments.
If you need a discount, let me know.

Booking and information on Energy Medicine Education

I want to..

6 + 12 =

Graduated Energy Medicine therapists

Here, some of the graduated Energy Medicine therapists will be presented over time.

Eva-Lena Österström

Works with physical meetings in Karlskrona.
Distance on phone and zoom.

Energy medicine treatments. In-depth coaching individually or in groups. Healing.
I also guide through intuition during
our meetings.

+46 (0) 709 94 12 23 

Rosa Åkerman - Sounds & Silence

Is a versatile company in Lindesberg that was started in 2004.

Welcome to yoga, meditation, Gongbad & Sound Journey, individually or in groups. Various treatments such as sound massage/sound therapy, and Rosa’s unique intuitive treatment in shamanic healing/energy medicine where all knowledge merges.

+46 (0) 702 40 70 76

Nine Sjudin - meforyou.se

Works both with physical meetings and remotely.

Holds regular meditation classes with a touch of energy medicine.
Received the epithet ”energy artist” from clients who said that my treatments made them see clearly and find new ways, and that a calm and pleasant energy remained with them weeks after a treatment.

+46 (0) 708 97 44 03

Helena Ekström - Heal by Nature

I offer therapy and coaching to help you achieve well-being, balance, presence and happiness. From me you get professional guidance and support to manage life and develop into the best version of you.

Through energy medicine, NLP and hypnotherapy there are opportunities for you to make a powerful and big change for you and your well-being NOW.

You can read more at healbynature.se

+46 (0) 704 96 33 75

Anna Malm - Guiding Change Ab

Accepts for physical meetings in Stockholm or remotely via phone.

Energy medicine talk and treatment. Open flows, clear stagnation, intuitive guidance, healing. Also moderates coaching conversations between two parties. For example, between you and your youth.


+46 (0) 704 43 98 51

Anki Rune - Linköping

In an energy medicine session, we look at what wants to transform in you right now. We release blockages and stagnations and create alignment and flow.

Anki is available for physical meetings in Linköping but also accepts clients via phone or Zoom.

+46 (0) 706 79 97 02

Amanda Lövgren - Ditt unika jag

In my world, nothing is strange or impossible. Together we create a curious and permissive now.

Welcome to me to become more of you.
At www.dittunikajag.se you can read more.

+46 (0) 761 72 58 94

What some of the satisfied say.

"I can recommend it to all human beings who are on a journey"

”It was amazing how you started the whole education by a ceremonial cleansing and also to get us to understand what energymedicine can be. It’s wonderful when you talk from the place of source, it creates a magic in the room that is deeply moving. It was very powerful to land in the space individually and then as a groupbody.

I have the feeling that when you master EnergyMedicin everything you touch becomes magic. It is the reason why I want to do the one year training with you.
I find it incredible what can be part of holistic energymassage. The following techniques surprised me and made me curious: essential oils, sound healing, connecting to the source, massage as dance, the spine as a source of energy from which presence can expand with every breath, cleansing, tuning, chakra balancing, etc

Malin’s Guidance
I love the flow with which you approach things. I think it’s great the friendly way in which you give away your presence and your warmth. That is unique and very special.

The relationship between heaven and earth, non-material energy and physical matter.

I can recommend it to all human beings who are on a journey to bring heaven and earth closer together and understand ourselves as unique magical and multidimensional beings.”

"You have shown me the power of softness and stillness."

“You magical woman! Thank you for all the healing and mystery that is being activated in me with you. With you, new parts of me have become alive and embraced. My acceptance both of myself and others has deepened, broadened and opened on more levels. Thank you for your loving, wise, transparent and accepting guidance in that journey. You have shown me the power of softness and stillness. You have brought me into deeper contact with my feminine essence. I feel enormous gratitude for what I have been able to experience with you. Looking forward to continued expansion together.” Maria S

"A safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility..."

”I am so grateful that I chose to attend the training. I think it is good, and broad, and varied, and transformative, rich in information. I think you have safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility… I feel supported, and that you gives space to all feelings, perceptions and people. So far I have not experienced that you are triggered or that your feelings are transferred to us (an important part for me as I have been in constellations where the person leading it really had a hard time relating to itself).

Some of what you talked about (such as the fact that you were initiated) I still have a hard time taking in and understanding – but I think that I myself am not there or have gotten there yet, so maybe I should understand. Maybe I will at a later stage or maybe not. However, I think it feels exciting – but I kind of have a hard time grasping it.”

"A safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility..."

”I am so grateful that I chose to attend the training. I think it is good, and broad, and varied, and transformative, rich in information. I think you have safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility… I feel supported, and that you gives space to all feelings, perceptions and people. So far I have not experienced that you are triggered or that your feelings are transferred to us (an important part for me as I have been in constellations where the person leading it really had a hard time relating to itself).

Some of what you talked about (such as the fact that you were initiated) I still have a hard time taking in and understanding – but I think that I myself am not there or have gotten there yet, so maybe I should understand. Maybe I will at a later stage or maybe not. However, I think it feels exciting – but I kind of have a hard time grasping it.”

"Your whole being activates love in us"

”I understood that it was going to be something very special when your training was presented to me only as an answer to my questions. It became even more than special, it became guidance, guidance and an opening in a subtle but powerful way. Your whole being activates love in us which we then share in a group of 11 and at the same time form a network for life. Thank you! All the joy, warmth and love I encountered during these weekends has given me faith in my own creation and healing. Keep activating all the souls you meet, there will be hope for a better world.”
Hugs and love, Nine

"A year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge"

”Thank you Malin!

For a year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge and your support in my transformation. All amazing treatments, they have been really important to me in my healing. With your support, I have retrieved my inner strength, knowledge and love for myself. Thanks for you! Hugs Rosa

To Malin! Saying ”thank you for everything” feels a bit silly in this context. It is difficult to find words to find the expression. There is often great power in words, but sometimes they are not enough. I want to add my sentiment here… and send it to you. I’m doing it now! Three enormous sunflowers grow with great vigor out of a lush and teeming soil. They are for you! Thanks! My captain, my captain.”


"I have come into contact with a force within and around me that feels invincible"

”I am going home from this training weekend as a new person. Or as an integrated person. I have found my own personality within the spiritual. Powerful AND loving. 😉 I have come into contact with a force within and around me that feels invincible.

During the weekend, I learned to dare to trust my intuition and to practice energy medicine completely freely, without a script. I like to work physically and I take in a lot of information by looking at the recipient of the treatment. I look forward to learning more about how to see and discern.”

"Beautiful Malin, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart."

”Beautiful Malin, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Wow, what a year we’ve had and what experiences. Of all the gifts we’ve received and shared, trust is probably the one that surprised me the most. Trust, upgraded again. Trust that each of us already have everything in our core, everything our seed needs to develop into, and be who we are meant to be.”

In love Camilla

"My goal of fortifying, anchoring and becoming more free and whole has come to pass."

”Malin, You and the group have helped me open new doors, a new sensitivity, pulse and frequency within me. My goal to strengthen, anchor and become more free and whole has come to pass – thank you for everything powerful soul.”


"Guiding, healing, fantastic treatments and a magical education"

”Thank you beautiful Malin for all the guidance, healing, fantastic treatments and a magical education! So happy that we have met and co-created this together with all the beautiful souls in our group. All the happiness and love to you!”


"I am very grateful that there is someone like you"

”Thank you for everything you do Malin!

Everything you contribute in both big and small ways,
Is appreciated – I hope you have understood that.
You have left a big impression with your personality,
And add a lot with everything you can and know.

I am very grateful that there is someone like you,
So big and so important to all of us, all that you give and do.
So now before you go in the direction of something new,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve meant.”

Warm hugs Camilla


Energy Medicine Education

  • 1-year training to become a certified energy medicine therapist with the possibility of supplementary modules.
  • Start 26 September 2024.
    4 long weekends Thursday – Sunday
    5 online days.

A key to life itself

A key to life itself

Release blockages that prevent you and others from living life alive

Most people agree that everything is energy. If we can discern and transform energies, we can also change our life, our relationships and our health and also support others on their journey home to their source and essence.

In this training, you will learn to find blockages that prevent natural flows in your and others’ multidimensional systems.

By uncovering the source, the natural being of divinity arises and in it deep encounters can take place and peace, love and flow expand.

When we are freed from trauma, unprocessed emotions, negative loops and blockages, we gain access to life force and land in being and calm.

There we get space to be who we are. There is more life, vitality, sensuality, power, joy and play. In that, life becomes a joint project and we let go of the lonely path.

I see that as the meaning of this time. That we should all come home to ourselves with all the qualities that are true for each of us and in that co-create a beautiful world we can all live in. In health and harmony with life itself and the paradise we live in.

See documentary

Live Life Alive – Energy medicine education

Become a leader in your own life


An education where your intuitive leadership is strengthened and you inspire others to embrace self-leadership.

On this journey you get to release and heal family ties, agreements and programming that hold you back and down. It can be energies from childhood, past lives, imprints from other people, situations and other things that inhibited and shaped you to adapt. You get to train in holistic ways of relating to life, doing, relating and being.

We uncover the matrix, you see your essence, collect all your bodies and are activated to your path. Along the way, the problems and behaviors that were previously in your system are transformed/disappeared, your inner male and female are balanced into unity and you move more and more into the flow of the fifth dimension. You may go from one why to another. From logic and old structure to flow and self-leadership.

To live life alive


The more we uncover, the healthier we become

Here we erase old norms and divisions and you get to be both creator, teacher and student in a community. You are trained to listen inwardly, meet and stand in your truth, while expanding and standing in all-encompassing love and shining in others. A balance between integrity and expansion as a whole.

This is how we create a new paradigm of leadership, peace, inclusion and community.

The journey is poetic, aesthetic, practical, physical, intellectual, heartfelt, grounded and cosmic in all its brilliance and emphasizes that all so-called spiritual development is also simultaneously integrated into the physical. Here we do not separate the degrees of maturity in the different worlds but purify, unite and unify.

Energy medicine, for your and others’ healing

I believe we can heal our DNA with energy medicine

In your origin and essence are being and movement. It is a law of nature and the basis of all life.

Each contracted energy/blockage has its own vibrations that create behaviors, projections, magnetism, etc. that set it up for us. The more we uncover, the healthier we become

Do you yearn to travel with like-minded people where the multidimensional is everyday and where nothing is excluded from life, where everyday life is about community, support, joy and holistic healing?

Do you yearn to be able to work with and live energy medicine, regardless of whether you bring it into your current workplace, or want to change completely, or do it entirely for your own sake?

Then this training may be for you. Here you get the key to living life alive and learn to face and transform different types of challenges as you learn to find the causes of problems and see what they need to harmonize with the essence.

What previous participants say

”I have been given the gift of receiving energy medicine on two occasions with the fantastic Malin Rydesjö” 💜

The first time was in a group of around 25 people. It felt like experiencing a miracle. At the time, she was working with a male volunteer in the group. The rest of us could witness the man’s back physically changing before our eyes.
I myself felt reborn 💞
The body moved freely and all kinds of sounds came out of the mouth. All thoughts were blown away and everything happened freely, out of something genuine.

The second occasion was a telephone session in which only I participated.

Malin easily succeeds in bringing out what needs to be healed. I feel the wonder of her guidance and during the process a lot happened on several levels for me. Afterwards, I experienced a powerful energy field around me. Now I feel ”clean” inside.

Can wholeheartedly recommend your sessions with Malin 💜

Energy medicine works wonders in a short time, something that healthcare does not come close to.

🌺 Johanna Nyström

"Looking in a way I never did before"
Energy medicine (EM) can help you release fatigue, stress, anxiety, pain and other symptoms of imbalances in body, bud and soul.
That’s because EM goes to the causes and solves them. The causes of our problems in life can be anything from trauma in this or previous lives to amounts of energy that have ended up on the back burner.

”Energy medicine helps me gain a completely new perspective on my life, on my reality. I see things in a way I never did before.

Energy medicine gives me more understanding, security, clarity and stability in my life. Before, I felt confused/lost and I didn’t understand where my thoughts and feelings came from. I reacted with stress responses to my triggers.
Energy medicine gives me a language and makes it easier to be me in my being, mother, partner and colleague.

Energy medicine is like psychotherapy and everything else on speed.
Still, it’s not about working and forcing, but about letting go.
To rest and to listen.

Just on the first weekend at the Energy Medicine therapist training, I unknowingly received a lot of keys that I have previously tried to work on and force myself to. Now they have just been integrated into the body and I can instead, after just a few seconds after a trigger, put a different light on the situation and how I can handle and transform what is happening.
You need to understand that these things with energy medicine are real tools that you can use and that will be in you, in your meetings, with the children, in yourself.
Since I started the training two months ago, I have never given myself so much time for meditation and breathwork – just because I want to – even though I have been trying for 20 years.
Now I just sit or lie down as soon as something comes up and I take care of it. Or dancing 

There are so many things that just fall into place.
There are so many applicants who have attended so many workshops and courses and have their diplomas on paper, but are still in the hood and never integrate.

The energy medicine integrates!
/Anna, participant in this year’s energy medicine training

"A big warm thank you for this year, Malin!"
”A big warm thank you for this year, Malin!

A year of challenges, learning, living, healing, healing and a whole lot of warm community and friendship.”

With warmth and love! Jennifer

"I am so grateful that I got to do this journey"

”Thank you beautiful Malin for a fantastic year of development, transformation, sisterhood and love. I am so grateful that I got to make this journey and get to walk with you. Now it really begins.”

Love and light, Camilla

"A year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge"

”Thank you Malin!

For a year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge and your support in my transformation. All amazing treatments, they have been really important to me in my healing. With your support, I have retrieved my inner strength, knowledge and love for myself. Thanks for you! Hugs Rosa

To Malin! Saying ”thank you for everything” feels a bit silly in this context. It is difficult to find words to find the expression. There is often great power in words, but sometimes they are not enough. I want to add my sentiment here… and send it to you. I’m doing it now! Three enormous sunflowers grow with great vigor out of a lush and teeming soil. They are for you! Thanks! My captain, my captain.”


We are already whole, we just have to uncover the whole, listen inside, face and stand in our truth

Educate as an energy medicine therapist 1 year

Energy medicine is a collective term for how to heal multidimensionally.
Actually, we are already whole, we just have to uncover the whole.

In the training you are guided from control, fear and limiting normative structures and attitudes to expand into who you truly are and help others to do the same physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. By getting in touch with the truth within you and exploring life from that starting point in combination with exploring discernment, intuition and abilities to live a conscious energetic life with all that it entails, you are simultaneously teacher and student throughout the entire educational year. The meaning is that you will not teach others, but help others direct their attention to where life is and what blocks life. We go from doing to being. From results-oriented to flow-following. We are organic beings and by understanding how we function we can support ourselves and each other to lead a living life in joy and harmony.

In the education

  • Identify different types of energies and blockages on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level.
  • Identify how and where energies sit and how to release them.
  • Train yourself to see/experience fields and different dimensions.
  • Learn techniques to heal in different dimensions, including physically.
  • Bring forth and activate your vision, abilities, gifts and life path
  • Discern your and others’ energy, boundary setting, integrity, ethics, morals, approach.
  • To support clients as efficiently and concretely as possible in their transformative work to find their truth, full potential and well-being.
  • The training is experience-based during the 4 weekends we meet in Lindesberg and theoretical, structural and putting all the pieces of the puzzle in place and also practical during the online days between the weekends.

More from the education content

  • How to sense energies.
  • How to distinguish energies.
  • How to understand different ways of seeing energy systems.
  • How to see causes behind symptoms.
  • How to work with the causes, specific techniques such as shamanistic healing and others.
  • How to create space, presence. Collect, transform, secure, build energy in a group.
  • How to become as confident as possible in walking your path and building and trusting and living according to your intuition in contact with the universe and mother earth.
  • Your specific wishes for your particular path are met and trained.
  • Try different techniques in coaching, craniosacral therapy, tantra, embryology, yoga, meditation, dance, shamanism, movement therapy, tibetan healing, mindfulness, TRE, sat nam rasayan, ayurveda, taoism, tapping, nlp, osteopathy, chiropractic, circling, sound healing, ceremony etc.
  • Leadership training.
  • You get a physical treatment with holistic massage and healing and a distance session with coaching and healing both to transform yourself, but also to see how physical and distance treatment works and how you can come to work yourself. You will be able to work remotely when the year is over.

Read more about

Energy medicine education - The new leadership

An education where you become a leader in your own life and inspire others to take self-leadership in theirs.

Every aspect of this training breathes wholeness, intuition and being carried. To gather and balance you and all your bodies and come home. To create balance in your inner man and woman and create unity. To activate you and get you on your way. To upgrade your system so that you increasingly reason in 5D and above. You therefore get to heal family ties, karma, agreements and programming that hold you back and down. You get to practice holistic ways of relating to life, doing, you, others and healing.

There is no division between learning and co-creation and teaching. Everything is here at the same time and you get the feeling of being a creator, teacher and student in a community. To listen within and meet and stand in your truth, while expanding and standing in all-encompassing love. With integrity and expansion. Micro and macro.

To live life alive. This is how we create a new paradigm of peace, inclusion and community.

Here miracles happen in combination with the ability to face shadow sides and stand still, expand in love, reconcile and let go.

We awaken your intuition, your clear source, your creative power and clear you of past ties and karma that keep you from yourself and your home.

The dynamics of all this multidimensional moving deep down in the modern and high up in the cosmos and in many galaxies is owned by you and the group. No one is left out.

The physical houses memories and energies, which is why we learn to communicate and listen to our physical dimensions. Our different minds, different ways the body communicates to us, different ways our ancestors, entities, spirits and angels, our inner voice and soul, mother and nature communicate. Opening your listening to the world, animals, nature and people is a magical journey in itself. Because when we listen to the real yes, then the keys reach the depths of us.

The truth speaks a clear language that we can then decipher without making any rewrites, without the truth getting stuck in the veils in front of our consciousness.

Instead, life itself moves into your clear sight and hearing. In the being.

This is an education that does not divide everything into themes, but everything is present at the same time in a well-sorted, comprehensible, communicative and educational way.

This means that your being will be creative and in truth and you will naturally adjust and live more and more as you (l)are.

So when you’re helping others, you’ll be in the flow more than having to use tools, even though that’s what you’re doing.

No separation. All methods are available in the field in which you live.

This training is born now when so many are ready to take the next step into living fully and dancing the dance of life.

Expect to face life from a new place.

I welcome you who feel this is right. That this is an opportunity for growing for you. That this resonates, vibrates, is felt somewhere in you. Listen to it and get in touch.

There are other courses for those who want structure, bullet points and results. You come to me if you want to develop your intuition for real. We make it all in!

Leadership training

  • The year is structured with 4 long weekends on site and 5 days online. In between, you practice different exercises and treat each other.
  • You always have a buddy that is changed every month that you both share with and treat with. So you get to know everyone.
  • You are guided through this year via a co-creative, intuitive, encouraging and transforming leadership.
  • The old way of entering and understanding from the head is instead replaced with acceptance, trust, community, inclusion and holding. This way we reach mental programming and settings for yourself, others and life and your approach will be transformed from within you where self-love, self-acceptance, compassion and empathy are in your field. Where the gap between you and the world narrows. Where the attempts to live a good life are replaced by falling into life itself. Which IS.
  • You will probably feel both euphoric and free and empty and angry. It is included. We face what is to get through!
  • You will get to practice several different energy healing techniques where you meet your own energies on different levels.
  • You get to face your own foundation years and you will help your fellow students to face theirs.
  • This will be training in being an energy medicine therapist while you heal yourself. Teacher and student at the same time because we all always are. No one is an expert, but we are learning teachers. This is the new leadership.
  • You will therefore dive deep into the energies that control you, meet them, work with them, heal them, understand the system based on what you meet, transform and heal in yourself and then help others during the course with the same.

Energy medicine runs like a common thread through all techniques. The approach to everything we do. So that we go from doing to being. The techniques are all just keyed in. Opening, transforming directions to release, raise, remove, release, land, bring home, cut, clog, fine-tune, etc. everything that is you. And thus understand how you can help others on the path to wholeness and liberation.

So welcome you leader! Welcome to free who you truly are! Your way! On this common journey! Feel free to use your results to lead others to lead themselves. In your existing job or in the new one you create or in your own life. We are simply learning what it is like to be spirit in a physical body here on earth and to live fully. On the way we are assisted and cheered on by multitudes of beings who follow me on my way, but also you and us here on earth. This education is so supported because it is an education in living life. Finding the truth about life. We don’t know in advance how far you will go in your truth-finding, but prepare for friends you can talk about everything with, comfort zones that just blur, love and touch, closeness and friendship in 180, humor, joy, lightness and simplicity, depth , seriousness and weight, breakthrough, openness, contact and experiences beyond understanding. The multidimensional life simply.

Welcome to become more of YOU!

After this year you will be able to guide others

Diploma after completing the year

I will be with you throughout the year as support in the training itself, and if you want extra support and maybe support in your relationships along the way, you can supplement with extra sessions in addition to the 2 treatments (excluding all student treatments and treatments I give you in groups during the whole year) which is included. The extra treatments can be tantra massage, deararmoring, extra coaching or if you need an extra boost (not reached in the other ways) in deepening the release of energy blockages and negative patterns that have given you emotional, mental and physical symptoms.

Communication about your needs is important so that I can support you as much as possible on the journey. Your input is reflected in what you get back.

You get a discount on the mentoring programs or the stress coach training if you wish to attend one of them in parallel.

Energy medicine education 2024-2025


Education start 26 September 2024

Weekends Thursday-Sunday.

Weekend 1: 26-29 September
Weekend 2: 21-24 November
Weekend 3: 20-23 February 2025
Weekend 4: 15-18 May 2025


27 October
14 December
19 January 2025
22 March 2025
13 April 2025


Welcome to AYSE in Sollentuna

The education takes place physically in AYSE, the Holistic Health Center in Sollentuna STHLM, a place where your presence is noticed.


Price 42.000 SEK

Lunch and fika are included, as well as many external lecturers, two treatments in addition to all group treatments and all support throughout the year.

The investment can be divided into several installments.
If you need a discount, let me know.

Booking and information on Energy Medicine Education

I want to..

13 + 15 =

Graduated Energy Medicine therapists

Here, some of the graduated Energy Medicine therapists will be presented over time.

Eva-Lena Österström

Works with physical meetings in Karlskrona.
Distance on phone and zoom.

Energy medicine treatments. In-depth coaching individually or in groups. Healing.
I also guide through intuition during
our meetings.

+46  (0) 709 94 12 23 

Rosa Åkerman - Sounds & Silence

Is a versatile company in Lindesberg that was started in 2004.

Welcome to yoga, meditation, Gongbad & Sound Journey, individually or in groups. Various treatments such as sound massage/sound therapy, and Rosa’s unique intuitive treatment in shamanic healing/energy medicine where all knowledge merges.

+46 (0) 702 40 70 76

Nine Sjudin - meforyou.se

Works both with physical meetings and remotely.

Holds regular meditation classes with a touch of energy medicine.
Received the epithet ”energy artist” from clients who said that my treatments made them see clearly and find new ways, and that a calm and pleasant energy remained with them weeks after a treatment.

+46 (0) 708 97 44 03

Helena Ekström - Heal by Nature

I offer therapy and coaching to help you achieve well-being, balance, presence and happiness. From me you get professional guidance and support to manage life and develop into the best version of you.

Through energy medicine, NLP and hypnotherapy there are opportunities for you to make a powerful and big change for you and your well-being NOW.

You can read more at healbynature.se

+46 (0) 704 96 33 75

Anna Malm - Guiding Change Ab

Accepts for physical meetings in Stockholm or remotely via phone.

Energy medicine talk and treatment. Open flows, clear stagnation, intuitive guidance, healing. Also moderates coaching conversations between two parties. For example, between you and your youth.


+46 (0) 704 43 98 51

Anki Rune - Linköping

In an energy medicine session, we look at what wants to transform in you right now. We release blockages and stagnations and create alignment and flow.

Anki is available for physical meetings in Linköping but also accepts clients via phone or Zoom.

+46 (0) 706 79 97 02

Amanda Lövgren - Ditt unika jag

In my world, nothing is strange or impossible. Together we create a curious and permissive now.

Welcome to me to become more of you.
At www.dittunikajag.se you can read more.

+46 (0) 761 72 58 94

What some of the satisfied say.
"I can recommend it to all human beings who are on a journey"

”It was amazing how you started the whole education by a ceremonial cleansing and also to get us to understand what energymedicine can be. It’s wonderful when you talk from the place of source, it creates a magic in the room that is deeply moving. It was very powerful to land in the space individually and then as a groupbody.

I have the feeling that when you master EnergyMedicin everything you touch becomes magic. It is the reason why I want to do the one year training with you.
I find it incredible what can be part of holistic energymassage. The following techniques surprised me and made me curious: essential oils, sound healing, connecting to the source, massage as dance, the spine as a source of energy from which presence can expand with every breath, cleansing, tuning, chakra balancing, etc.

Malin’s Guidance
I love the flow with which you approach things. I think it’s great the friendly way in which you give away your presence and your warmth. That is unique and very special.

The relationship between heaven and earth, non-material energy and physical matter.

I can recommend it to all human beings who are on a journey to bring heaven and earth closer together and understand ourselves as unique magical and multidimensional beings.”

"You have shown me the power of softness and stillness."

“You magical woman! Thank you for all the healing and mystery that is being activated in me with you. With you, new parts of me have become alive and embraced. My acceptance both of myself and others has deepened, broadened and opened on more levels. Thank you for your loving, wise, transparent and accepting guidance in that journey. You have shown me the power of softness and stillness. You have brought me into deeper contact with my feminine essence. I feel enormous gratitude for what I have been able to experience with you. Looking forward to continued expansion together.” Maria S

"A safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility..."

”I am so grateful that I chose to attend the training. I think it is good, and broad, and varied, and transformative, rich in information. I think you have safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility… I feel supported, and that you gives space to all feelings, perceptions and people. So far I have not experienced that you are triggered or that your feelings are transferred to us (an important part for me as I have been in constellations where the person leading it really had a hard time relating to itself).

Some of what you talked about (such as the fact that you were initiated) I still have a hard time taking in and understanding – but I think that I myself am not there or have gotten there yet, so maybe I should understand. Maybe I will at a later stage or maybe not. However, I think it feels exciting – but I kind of have a hard time grasping it.”

"A safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility..."

”I am so grateful that I chose to attend the training. I think it is good, and broad, and varied, and transformative, rich in information. I think you have safe guidance, a safe approach, a humility… I feel supported, and that you gives space to all feelings, perceptions and people. So far I have not experienced that you are triggered or that your feelings are transferred to us (an important part for me as I have been in constellations where the person leading it really had a hard time relating to itself).

Some of what you talked about (such as the fact that you were initiated) I still have a hard time taking in and understanding – but I think that I myself am not there or have gotten there yet, so maybe I should understand. Maybe I will at a later stage or maybe not. However, I think it feels exciting – but I kind of have a hard time grasping it.”

"Your whole being activates love in us"

”I understood that it was going to be something very special when your training was presented to me only as an answer to my questions. It became even more than special, it became guidance, guidance and an opening in a subtle but powerful way. Your whole being activates love in us which we then share in a group of 11 and at the same time form a network for life. Thank you! All the joy, warmth and love I encountered during these weekends has given me faith in my own creation and healing. Keep activating all the souls you meet, there will be hope for a better world.”
Hugs and love, Nine

"A year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge"

”Thank you Malin!

For a year filled with love, patience, deep knowledge and your support in my transformation. All amazing treatments, they have been really important to me in my healing. With your support, I have retrieved my inner strength, knowledge and love for myself. Thanks for you! Hugs Rosa

To Malin! Saying ”thank you for everything” feels a bit silly in this context. It is difficult to find words to find the expression. There is often great power in words, but sometimes they are not enough. I want to add my sentiment here… and send it to you. I’m doing it now! Three enormous sunflowers grow with great vigor out of a lush and teeming soil. They are for you! Thanks! My captain, my captain.”


"I am very grateful that there is someone like you"

”Thank you for everything you do Malin!

Everything you contribute in both big and small ways,
Is appreciated – I hope you have understood that.
You have left a big impression with your personality,
And add a lot with everything you can and know.

I am very grateful that there is someone like you,
So big and so important to all of us, all that you give and do.
So now before you go in the direction of something new,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve meant.”

Warm hugs Camilla

"I have come into contact with a force within and around me that feels invincible"

”I am going home from this training weekend as a new person. Or as an integrated person. I have found my own personality within the spiritual. Powerful AND loving. 😉 I have come into contact with a force within and around me that feels invincible.

During the weekend, I learned to dare to trust my intuition and to practice energy medicine completely freely, without a script. I like to work physically and I take in a lot of information by looking at the recipient of the treatment. I look forward to learning more about how to see and discern.”

"Beautiful Malin, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart."

”Beautiful Malin, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Wow, what a year we’ve had and what experiences. Of all the gifts we’ve received and shared, trust is probably the one that surprised me the most. Trust, upgraded again. Trust that each of us already have everything in our core, everything our seed needs to develop into, and be who we are meant to be.”

In love Camilla

"My goal of fortifying, anchoring and becoming more free and whole has come to pass."

”Malin, You and the group have helped me open new doors, a new sensitivity, pulse and frequency within me. My goal to strengthen, anchor and become more free and whole has come to pass – thank you for everything powerful soul.”


"Guiding, healing, fantastic treatments and a magical education"

”Thank you beautiful Malin for all the guidance, healing, fantastic treatments and a magical education! So happy that we have met and co-created this together with all the beautiful souls in our group. All the happiness and love to you!”
